
School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education.

Governors are one of the most significant volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing board is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school. Time and time again Ofsted (the national inspection body for schools) has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management - including by the governing board.  


What do governors do?

School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Governors appoint the headteacher and deputy headteacher. In some schools, the site is owned by the governing board. It is governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools, and it is governors who work with the headteacher to make the tough decisions about balancing resources.


Statutory Roles

Safeguarding- TBC (chair)

SEND- Kirsty Hart

Pupil Premium- Chris Wall

Health and Safety- TBC (chair)

Mental Health and Wellbeing- Michael Constable and Chris Wall


Our Governing Body is made up of the following:

1 x Headteacher Governor

3 x parent governors

1 x staff governor

1 x Local Authority governor

2 x Foundation (Trust) governors

5 x co-opted governors



Committee Structures:



Finance & Staffing

Judith Knowles

Chris Wall

Tracey Taylor

Michael Constable

Andrew Todd

Keith Dunn (Chair)

Premises & Health/Safety

Judith Knowles

Tracey Taylor

Kirsty Hart

Michael Constable

Rachel Minto


Headteacher Performance Management

Chris Wall

Kirsty Hart